Nutrition Response Testing
Nutrition Response Testing® is a non invasive form of muscle testing that allows your advanced trained practitioners to assess the underlying cause of ill health. Our practitioners will use your body's own defense mechanisms to help us to figure out what may be causing your symptoms. This form of muscle testing is deeply rooted in physics and is accurate. Nutrition Response Testing® also provides real time results. Once we identify what is causing your body so much stress we eliminate the problem safely and naturally by using whole food nutrition, herbal remedies, and homeopathic remedies.
Wholistic Pet Care
Pet Nutrition Response Testing works the same as it does for humans. We will use an indirect tester to receive muscle responses, just like we do for young children. These muscle responses will show us areas of weakness in the animals body and help us identify what's stressing their body. We then correct it with homeopathy and whole food supplementation.
Designed Clinical Nutrition
Our advanced trained practitioners will design a clinical nutrition program that is tailored to you, your findings, your nutritional deficiencies, and your body's needs. Every nutrition program is specific to the individual. Here at Innate Health Solutions of Des Moines we treat our patients as individuals and not numbers.
Applied Bio-Energy Analysis
Applied Bio-Energy Analysis is a holistic system that takes our organs, glands and tissues into deep consideration. Applied Bio-Energy Analysis is a form of muscle testing that allows us to identify morphed or stealth immune system challenges. We can identify vital energy levels. We also assess the broad range or spectrum of possible levels where a patient can be affected.
Whole Food Nutrition
Your practitioners use supplements designed from whole food to help the body to be able to heal itself. Therapeutic doses of food are muscle tested against your body to prove efficacy, ability to be digested, and compatibility with your body.
Emotion code
Knowledge of the human energy field goes back thousands of years and through many cultures. The Emotion Code provides a framework for these ancient teachings by providing an understanding of how trapped emotional energies can cause blockages or imbalances in your personal energy field. We believe it’s possible to permanently remove these negative energies. Emotion Code is for current patients.
Reiki is a form of alternative medicine called energy healing. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.
The far, mid and near infrared sauna is at no additional cost to anyone on a prepaid package. The sauna helps to increase the body's temperature to aid in pain relief, detoxification, weight loss, immune system support, and general wellness.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Mats stimulate healing at the cellular level. While lying on the mat, the pulsing electromagnetic fields will jumpstart and accelerate normal biological cellular reactions. It is completely painless and non-invasive.
Heart Sound Recorder
The heart eats first! Any nutritional deficiencies that exist in the heart exist everywhere in the body! Heart Sounds Recordings allow us to identify how well or not well the valves in your heart are working. The HSR allows us to look into the future and potentially prevent cardiovascular events.
Gene By Gene
The Gene by Gene test from Reveal My DNA allows patients to explore their specific DNA in-depth. Understanding your unique genetic makeup and its responses to nutrients, foods, exercise, and environmental factors can be imperative for achieving optimum health.
DUTCH Plus tests
The DUTCH Plus® test looks at sex hormones and their metabolites, as well as the overall diurnal pattern of free cortisol, and the total and distribution of cortisol metabolites. The DUTCH Plus allows us to look deeper at how hormones play a specific role in your health.
Red Light Therapy is a full body medical-grade light therapy panel that will help with wound healing, enhance energy, hair regrowth, muscle recovering, joint health and arthritis, mood and hormone balancing, sleep, acne, immune system and pain relief!